语法提示有时具有自然语言的单词含义。例如,英语单词顺序规则限制了句子的单词顺序,例如“狗咀嚼骨头”,即使可以从世界知识和合理性中推断出“狗”作为代理人和“骨头”的状态。量化这种冗余的发生频率,以及冗余水平如何在类型上多样化的语言中变化,可以阐明语法的功能和演变。为此,我们在英语和俄语中进行了一个行为实验,并进行了跨语言计算分析,以测量从自然主义文本中提取的及物子句中语法线索的冗余性。从自然发生的句子中提取的主题,动词和物体(按随机顺序和形态标记)提出了英语和俄罗斯说话者(n = 484),并被要求确定哪个名词是该动作的推动者。两种语言的准确性都很高(英语约为89%,俄语为87%)。接下来,我们在类似的任务上训练了神经网络机分类器:预测主题对象三合会中的哪个名义是主题。在来自八个语言家庭的30种语言中,性能始终很高:中位准确性为87%,与人类实验中观察到的准确性相当。结论是,语法提示(例如单词顺序)对于仅在10-15%的自然句子中传达了代理和耐心是必要的。然而,他们可以(a)提供重要的冗余来源,(b)对于传达无法从单词中推断出的预期含义至关重要,包括对人类互动的描述,在这些含义中,角色通常是可逆的(例如,雷(Ray)帮助lu/ Lu帮助雷),表达了非典型的含义(例如,“骨头咀嚼狗”。)。
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We consider the problem of automatically generating stories in multiple languages. Compared to prior work in monolingual story generation, crosslingual story generation allows for more universal research on story planning. We propose to use Prompting Large Language Models with Plans to study which plan is optimal for story generation. We consider 4 types of plans and systematically analyse how the outputs differ for different planning strategies. The study demonstrates that formulating the plans as question-answer pairs leads to more coherent generated stories while the plan gives more control to the story creators.
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Task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems have been applied in a range of domains to support human users to achieve specific goals. Systems are typically constructed for a single domain or language and do not generalise well beyond this. Their extension to other languages in particular is restricted by the lack of available training data for many of the world's languages. To support work on Natural Language Understanding (NLU) in TOD across multiple languages and domains simultaneously, we constructed MULTI3NLU++, a multilingual, multi-intent, multi-domain dataset. MULTI3NLU++ extends the English-only NLU++ dataset to include manual translations into a range of high, medium and low resource languages (Spanish, Marathi, Turkish and Amharic), in two domains (banking and hotels). MULTI3NLU++ inherits the multi-intent property of NLU++, where an utterance may be labelled with multiple intents, providing a more realistic representation of a user's goals and aligning with the more complex tasks that commercial systems aim to model. We use MULTI3NLU++ to benchmark state-of-the-art multilingual language models as well as Machine Translation and Question Answering systems for the NLU task of intent detection for TOD systems in the multilingual setting. The results demonstrate the challenging nature of the dataset, particularly in the low-resource language setting.
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